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Confidentiality in QCAT Proceedings

Generally all QCAT hearings are open to the public and information about proceedings can be published. In some limited circumstances we can make an order, known as a non-publication order that prevents publication of:

  • the contents of a document or other thing produced to the tribunal
  • evidence given to the tribunal
  • information that may enable a person who has appeared before the tribunal, or is affected by a proceeding, to be identified.

QCAT must be satisfied that the order is necessary to:

  • avoid injustice to a person
  • avoid endangering the physical, mental health or safety of a person
  • avoid offending public decency or morality
  • avoid the publication of confidential information or information that may not be in the interests of the public.

Non-publication orders are only approved in exceptional cases. To apply for a non-publication order, please complete and lodge Form 40 – Application for miscellaneous matters (PDF, 564.9 KB). QCAT may also make a non-publication order on our own initiative.

*Disclaimer – The above information was taken from the Court website as accurate in January 2022. If any changes are made by the court from that date they may not be reflected in this post.