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QCAT Consumer & trader disputes

Who is a trader?

A trader is generally a person who in trade or commerce has a business that supplies goods or provides services.

However, a trader is not a person who supplies goods or provides services if that person’s work is not ordinarily regarded as being within trade or commerce.

Examples of persons who QCAT has previously decided do not meet the definition of traders are:

What is a consumer and trader dispute?

Consumer and trader disputes involve disputes against another person, trader or company arising out of a contract for the supply of goods and services, valued up to and including $25,000 (excluding interest).

Goods include food, clothes, appliances and furniture.

Services include repairing a defect in a motor vehicle, car maintenance, meals served in restaurants and a haircut by a hairdresser.

However, your dispute may be a debt dispute, not a consumer and trader dispute, if it is about a fixed or agreed sum of money valued up to and including $25,000 (excluding interest) e.g. a debt resulting from overhanging branches, an IOU or money lent and not repaid.

How can I resolve the dispute?

You should try and resolve your dispute directly with the other party by contacting them, holding a face-to-face meeting or writing to them. Some traders and companies have complaints processes in place or are part of an industry scheme that can resolve disputes.

Once you have reached agreement, you should write to the other party confirming your agreement. It is recommended that all parties sign the agreement and keep a copy.

If however, you are unable to reach a satisfactory outcome you can either choose to:

  • invite the other party to attend mediation which is a way of settling a dispute without legal action. The Department of Justice provides a free mediation service through its Dispute Resolution Centres, or
  • apply to QCAT to resolve your dispute. Claims must be lodged within six years of the incident happening.

Fees for consumer and trader disputes

Application fee
$28.60–$367.00 depending on amount claimed

For the full list of fees visit the Consumer and trader disputes fee listing

*Disclaimer – The above information was taken from the Court website as accurate in August 2022. If any changes are made by the court from that date they may not be reflected in this post.